Internal Medicine Residency

Quinnipiac University Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine/St. Vincent’s Medical Center Internal Medicine Residency Program

The Quinnipiac University Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine/St. Vincent’s Medical Center Internal Medicine Residency Program strives to provide our residents with outstanding training in a rich, supportive environment that will prepare them for highly successful careers in clinical practice or in academic medicine.

Chair’s Welcome

St. Vincent’s has a long history of providing superb education for residents and students while supporting the health needs of a highly diverse community. Founded in 1903 by the Daughters of Charity to care for the poor and sick amidst a growing immigrant population, St. Vincent’s has grown from a small community hospital into a robust tertiary care center providing sophisticated, high quality patient care and a rich educational experience for residents and students.

The Department of Medicine consists of both hospital-based as well as community-based physicians in general internal medicine and over a dozen specialties who are dedicated to excellent patient care and the educational needs of residents and students. More than 100 years later, the Department of Medicine continues to serve a highly diverse population with a remarkably wide spectrum of clinical disorders. In addition to inspiring the noble mission of our hospital, our patient population provides an exceptional training environment in which to prepare for clinical practice in general medicine or a subspecialty or a career in academic medicine. 

Under the partnership with Quinnipiac University’s Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine and Hartford HealthCare, we have been experiencing rapid growth in our physician staff and services. The synergistic alignment of our clinical, community service, educational and research missions with those of the School of Medicine and Hartford HealthCare has created an enriched educational environment for our learners. Harnessing these resources, are dedicated to your professional development with additional focus on wellness, simulation and experiential learning opportunities, and ultrasound training, to name a few of the exciting opportunities the program offers.

I am indebted to faculty who generously provided me with mentoring in clinical medicine, education, and research during my own training. It should be no surprise then that our program takes mentoring and career development seriously and as part of helping you develop into a strong internist we will work closely with you and mentor you to prepare you for whatever career pathway you wish to pursue after residency. We also believe that mentoring should extend well beyond a training program’s duration and hence we are here to support you in future steps in your career, even long after you have graduated. 

We encourage you to explore our program pages and look forward to meeting you!

Dr. Listy ThomasListy Thomas, MD MBA FACEP
Chair, Department of Medicine
Associate Designated Institutional Official, SVMC Professor of Medicine
Assistant Dean for Simulation
Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University

Residency Program Welcome

The Internal Medicine Residency Training Program at Quinnipiac University Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine/St. Vincent’s Medical Center is dedicated to graduating skilled physicians with a commitment to life-long learning and to compassionate patient care. St Vincent’s Medical Center has earned regional and national recognition for the compassion of its staff, our commitment to patient satisfaction and our quality of care.

The hospital has an active medical staff of more than 500 physicians representing a comprehensive range of more than 50 specialty and subspecialty medical and surgical disciplines, which allows our residents to gain a wide range of crucial clinical experience. Our residents receive broad exposure to internal medicine in both inpatient and outpatient settings through our inpatient units, intensive care unit, our outpatient Family Health Center, subspecialty community practices and urgent care centers.  In addition to our program’s sponsorship by the School of Medicine, in October 2019 we joined Hartford HealthCare, which is resulting in rapid growth of our campus.  Our relationship with the School of Medicine and with Hartford HealthCare hold great promise to provide our residents and students with an ever higher level of education and training.

Our educational philosophy: while case-based learning is best, exposure to a variety of cases alone is not adequate. Experience without teaching and appropriate supervision is not education. Our faculty are dedicated to working with our residents and to integrating them into all aspects of patient care. Grand rounds, intern and resident reports, noon conferences, and other learning sessions are specifically designed to teach the fundamentals of medicine. We also emphasize teaching residents about other aspects of healthcare beyond medical management, including continuous quality improvement and a high reliability culture of 200% accountability, ensuring that both we and our colleagues are functioning at our best. Additionally, residents receive special training in teaching skills, ethics and end of life care. We also believe that compassion and care extend beyond our borders, and we participate regularly in mission trips to the Caribbean and to Vietnam.

Our department offers two different residency programs. The categorical program provides our residents with the skills needed to enter the practice of medicine or to continue training in a subspecialty of Internal Medicine. Our preliminary program teaches interns the fundamentals of Internal Medicine, while allowing ample opportunity to pursue electives in a wide variety of fields, in order to prepare them for their advanced training.

In addition to serving our diverse community, we have a diverse group of residents as well. We are fortunate to attract talented residents from all over the world. One of our greatest strengths is the collegial, inclusive and supportive environment in which our residents train. We hope our program is consistent with your aspirations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to meeting you.

David J. Regelmann, MD, FACP
Program Director, St. Vincent’s Internal Medicine
Hartford HealthCare
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Quinnipiac University Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine

Welcome from the Designated Institutional Official

The St. Vincent’s Medical Center Internal Medicine Residency has a long and proud tradition of medical education both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Program that began in 1958 has produced countless physicians who have gone on to do great things. Included in the website is a summary of those accomplishments.

In March of 2019, after 61 years of training residents under the sponsorship of SVMC, the Program transitioned to university sponsorship by Quinnipiac University’s Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine (NSOM). Sponsorship means that the NSOM is now responsible educationally for the SVMC IM Program and represents it to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), the national body that oversees GME. I have the privilege of serving as the Designated Institutional Officer (DIO) with responsibility for overseeing all Netter sponsored residency programs. We have a Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) that meets quarterly, oversees the sponsored programs and includes peer selected residents from all our residency programs. Currently NSOM sponsors the St. Vincent’s Medical Center Internal Medicine and Diagnostic Radiology Programs and Waterbury Hospital’s General Surgery Residency where I am also the Program Director and Chairman of Surgery.

Having an affiliation with a nationally prominent university and school of medicine carries a number of important advantages for the Program. I hope you will all have an opportunity to visit the QU campus and more specifically the Medical School campus. The resources available to our residents are extensive. The SOM has a simulation center that must be seen to be believed. Our library resources are unsurpassed and are available to all our trainees. We have statistical support for your research and have a “wet lab” to support basic science research. Being part of a major university also provides access to faculty from the Schools of Nursing, Law, Business, Engineering, etc. as well as to sports and entertainment events on one of the three QU campuses. The Netter SOM medical students spend a great deal of their time in rotations at SVMC and Waterbury Hospital. They are an integral part of the education and scholarly environment of the sponsored training programs.

In summary, we at the Netter SOM are proud and delighted to be a part of your training. Please feel free to contact me at any time.

Scott H. Kurtzman, MD FACS
Assistant Dean for Graduate Medical Education
Designated Institutional Official
Professor of Surgery
Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine
Quinnipiac University
203.582.7447 or 203.573.7257

St. Vincent’s Medical Center